Beauty is a quality in a person or object that pleases the senses and intellect and gives satisfaction. It can be seen in nature, as well as in art. However, the modern definition of beauty is quite different from the classical understanding of the concept. This is because the modern view of beauty relies on the interaction between the subject and the object.
During the Renaissance, plumpness was considered a sign of wealth. Aristotle also referred to beauty as definiteness and harmony. In addition to its aesthetic value, beauty has been understood to be an expression of God’s glory.
During the 18th century, the concept of beauty entered a new phase. This was marked by the rise of a new culture of feeling and the emergence of a sense of inalienable rights. Kant, one of the major figures of the period, was a key figure in the development of the concept of beauty. His Critique of Judgment, published in 1790, outlined a new theory of the philosophy of art. He argued that a beautiful piece of art could be as beautiful as a natural object.
The concept of beauty has been contested throughout history. For example, in the 18th century, there was a movement from a mathematical conception of beauty to a subjective approach. In the late nineteenth century, the concept of beauty began to change once again. Unlike the classical concept of beauty, this new view of the concept emphasized the contribution of the observer and gave less importance to the idea of moral beauty.
In a rational understanding of the concept of beauty, the essence is boiled into models and formulae. This is done to discover the meaning of the concept. In Christian tradition, God is referred to as the creator of beauty. It is not surprising then that various religious traditions have interpreted beauty in different ways.
Aristotle’s analysis of the concept of beauty revealed that the notion of beauty was rooted in a perception of nature. He recognized beauty as the proportion of parts. Similarly, Plato recognised it as an expression of the order of the world.
Thomas Aquinas enumerated several elements of beauty. He posited that the goodness of God is manifested in the beauty of creation. He also affirmed that God is the source of all good and beauty. He enumerated the qualities of beauty as being: symmetry, proportion, harmony, and meaning.
Edmund Burke disagreed with the notion that beauty is a mere series of qualities. He argued that it is a perceptual experience that gives pleasure to the senses. He argued that beauty is not merely an aesthetic experience, but an important form of morality.
According to this concept, every human being is born with an implicit understanding of the concept of beauty. But, this knowledge is not permanent. It is temporarily forgotten at birth. Thus, the concept of beauty is forever subject to change. This is because humans seek to familiarize themselves with other ideas, such as the concept of beauty, throughout their lives.