
How Do We Perceive Beauty?


Beauty has a wide range of subjective and objective characteristics. While beauty is largely defined by race, age, gender and physical features, it also includes qualities that provide pleasure and satisfaction. Various social and cultural factors also play a role in how we perceive someone’s beauty.

For example, smiling faces are rated as more beautiful than non-smiling ones. The same is true of eyes that are proportional to the face. Additionally, men and women who are already in a romantic relationship are more likely to be attractive than those who are seeking a partner. In fact, studies show that females who are already in a relationship are more attracted to masculine features.

Other research has shown that the perception of attractiveness can vary dramatically over time and across cultures. This is due in part to rudimentary cognitive processes that appear early in life. However, most societies have established a set of standards to determine who is attractive. Some of these are arbitrary and others are rooted in culture and class.

Nevertheless, scientists believe that the physical features of a person are the most basic determinants of human beauty. They are influenced by genetics and evolution, but also by a rudimentary cognitive process. When a feature indicates a trait that society values, such as fertility, a person is viewed as more attractive. A person’s overall look plays a crucial role in attracting other people.

For example, in the Kayan Lahwi tribe of Myanmar, women have metal rings around their necks from the age of five. These rings deform the clavicles and gradually create the impression of a longer neck. Females are encouraged to wear additional rings every two years.

The Western beauty ideal has a long history. While the Westerners brought their ideals of beauty to other cultures, the social power and nationalism that they cultivated was based on the assumption that other races were less attractive than white people. As a result, racism has impacted the ideal appearance of many races.

According to Neelam Vashi, associate professor of dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, a number of factors have led to the creation of the current definition of beauty. Some of these factors are the influence of the mass media, capitalistic ideology, and the psychological and psychological aspects of beauty.

Many Black consumers do not see themselves represented in the advertisements and products aimed at them. This can lead to low self-esteem, eating disorders, and body dysmorphia. Further, Blacks have a limited selection of specialty beauty stores. Therefore, they must travel 21 percent further than White consumers to find them.

Despite the challenges of creating a more equitable beauty industry ecosystem, research suggests that it is possible. Changes include better partnerships with Black brands, increasing representation in the industry, and better research about Black consumers. By addressing these pain points, the industry can fundamentally change.

Similarly, creating more diverse ad campaigns can help people to gain access to high-quality beauty products. Moreover, more Black entrepreneurs can innovate with products for Black consumers.