
Creating a More Equitable Beauty Industry


The beauty industry is a lucrative business. Millions of consumers worldwide use beauty products to enhance their appearance. In the past decade, Americans have spent more than $500 billion on beauty products. But, if you aren’t careful, you could end up paying for expensive beauty treatments or procedures without really improving your appearance.

However, many people will do anything to achieve a specific level of beauty. For example, some will go through extreme measures to achieve an ideal body weight or a perfect face shape. This can be harmful to their health, self-esteem, and even their wallets.

Beauty standards have varying definitions across cultures and over time. Some of these criteria include symmetry, skin color, facial averageness, and weight. These are just a few of the most common criteria used to determine attractiveness.

Beauty has always been a coveted status in our society. Women have been pressured for generations to meet certain standards of beauty. A recent study by Dove found that only four percent of women around the world thought that they were beautiful. Yet, the number of women who think that they are beautiful is higher than the number of women who think they are handsome.

Moreover, beauty isn’t just a visual experience. It also provides a perceptual experience for the senses, including the intellect, the moral compass, and the aesthetic faculty.

As such, there is a lot to be said about the concept of beauty. Scientists have discovered that human beings categorize one another by their physical features, and that this classification process is a rudimentary cognitive process that starts early in life.

Although the term “beauty” has been in existence for centuries, it is only relatively recently that we have been able to define it in more specific ways. Today, we can say that beauty is the combination of qualities, which give pleasure, satisfaction, and beauty.

The newest iteration of the beauty industry has been driven by social media and social networking. Several influential makeup artists have touted the importance of a diverse array of spokesmodels in the beauty counter. While this is a start, it’s not an easy task to accomplish.

Creating a more equitable beauty industry ecosystem isn’t a straightforward endeavor. Many obstacles remain in place, such as a lack of representation in beauty advertisements and product campaigns. Also, Black entrepreneurs are largely unrepresented in beauty industry leadership positions. They are underrepresented in the supply chain, and they are often left out of the high-potential opportunities that are available to others.

Ultimately, the truth is that the best way to improve your appearance is to take a more holistic approach. By embracing your inner beauty, breaking the mold, and allowing yourself to grow, you will eventually be able to see yourself in a more positive light. Those who are able to achieve this will be happier, healthier, and more successful.

As the industry grows, it will be necessary to make sure that it continues to provide products and services that meet the needs of Black consumers. By increasing diversity in beauty advertisements and products, the industry can reap a substantial economic upside.