Beauty is a multi-faceted concept that includes physical features, aesthetics, social factors, and popular culture. It is a perceptual experience that allows us to enjoy the pleasures of our senses, such as smell, sight, taste, and touch.
There are several reasons why the beauty industry should be more inclusive. The lack of diversity in ad campaigns could prevent consumers from accessing quality beauty products. Black consumers are also less likely to find beauty products that suit their needs. Many Black neighborhoods are consumer deserts where a majority of the available retailers are non-Black. This creates an opportunity for Black brands to gain business. However, many consumers are turned off by the friction associated with shopping for beauty products.
If the beauty industry wants to compete for more customers, it needs to address the challenges Black consumers face when buying beauty products. Consumers who purchase Black-made beauty products have to travel a significant distance to get them, as well as find specialty stores that carry them. Some of these friction points can be solved through more streamlined distribution and improved partnerships with Black-owned and -operated businesses.
One of the biggest problems for Black consumers is that they don’t see themselves reflected in the advertisements of beauty brands. A recent survey found that 83 percent of respondents would rather buy a Black-made product than one from a non-Black brand. In addition, Black brands represent only 2.5 percent of the beauty industry’s revenue.
Despite a growing consumer base, Black representation in the beauty industry is far behind that of other groups. This means that Black entrepreneurs have a harder time getting their products into high-potential markets. They also face the additional hurdle of not being taken seriously.
While the beauty industry has made a number of efforts to improve its inclusivity, it still has a long way to go. For example, Black employees are underrepresented at retail outlets that sell beauty products. Non-Black employees are tasked with deciding which brands to sell. These decisions can have a major impact on the success of Black brands.
According to a study commissioned by Dove, only 4% of women globally consider themselves beautiful. Even those who do have a good look are often the targets of jokes and backstabbing. Moreover, it is important to remember that women have always been under pressure to fit certain beauty standards. And while a lot of women have been able to overcome this, there are others who feel unsatisfied.
Ultimately, there is no simple answer to how to change the status quo in the beauty industry. Creating a more equitable ecosystem will be a difficult task, but it can be done. To make this a reality, more research on Black consumers, better partnerships with Black-owned and -operated companies, and greater investments in Black-made products can be a big step toward improving the state of the industry.
One of the best ways to improve your chances for success is to learn how to use your body to your advantage. Not only will this help you succeed, it will boost your confidence, which will radiate outward and help you attract colleagues and friends.