Beauty is an essential human quality that reflects both our nature and our culture. It is what makes us feel good about ourselves and attracts others to us. In many ways, beauty is an idea that has been around for centuries.
The idea of beauty is a concept that originated in Greek thought, where philosophers believed that happiness (eudaimonia) was the ultimate goal. This belief was the basis of their aesthetic theory, and they often sought to understand how beauty can contribute to happiness.
There are several different theories of beauty that were developed over time and in various cultures. Some have a philosophical emphasis while others focus on practical goals.
Aristotle, for example, thought that a beautiful object must have integrity or perfection. This is to say that it must have a coherent whole that follows its own rules of realism. He said that a realistic portrait of a woman would not have integrity if it violated its own rules and showed her with three eyes; however, a cubist painting of the same woman could have integrity, because it followed its own interior logic and would be a more realistic representation of her.
Thomas Aquinas, the Christianized version of Aristotle, also held that something must have integrity to be considered beautiful. His definition was based on the Second Person of the Trinity.
Semir Zeki, a professor of neuroesthetics at University College London, has studied the neural basis of art appreciation. He has found that the activity in our medial orbital frontal cortex, which is part of our reward and pleasure center, determines what we find beautiful.
He also found that it is more common for people to prefer asymmetrical shapes in art and music, compared to symmetrical shapes. This may be because there is a correlation between asymmetrical shapes and receptivity to the brain’s ‘pleasure center’, rather than simply because people are genetically predisposed to like these kinds of shapes.
Moore’s account of beauty, on the other hand, has a hedonistic tinge to it. He says that beauty is the process of finding and grasping an interesting, good, and usable thing.
This idea of beauty is a powerful one that has impacted society for centuries, and has been used to divide and conquer people across cultures and countries. As a result, beauty has become a subject of much debate and discussion in the modern world.
Regardless of your views on beauty, there are several things that you can do to improve your life and make yourself more beautiful. The first is to surround yourself with positive people and friends. The second is to work on your inner peace. The third is to stop worrying about what other people think and take the time to truly enjoy yourself and who you are.
Taking the time to look at yourself in a positive light and appreciate your uniqueness is key to becoming beautiful inside and out. It will not only improve your self-esteem, but it will also make you a more compassionate and kind person.